Event Venue
The Universidad Politecnica de Valencia is a public university based in valencia. It is organised into eleven higher technical schools, two faculties and a doctoral school where 39 university degrees, 9 double degrees, 77 master’s degrees, 12 double master’s degrees and 30 doctoral programmes are taught. It also has 45 research centres and institutes.
The Polytechnic City of Innovation (CPI) is the Science Park of the Polytechnic University of Valencia (UPV). The science park is conceived as a space, not only physical, where to connect university, business and society, to accelerate the generation of knowledge-intensive activities. The CPI aims to contribute to capitalize the knowledge of the UPV generating impact through the transfer of its results and contributing to socio-economic development.
For all these reasons, the CPI has been selected as the venue for the ITQ Euromxene 2024 congress.

- From the Airport: Metro line 3 direction Rafelbunyol. Stop at the Benimaclet Station and take the tram line 4 direction Dr. Lluch to the Beteró stop.
- From Train Station Joaquin Sorolla: Take metro line 7 direction Marítim at Jesús Station. Stop at the Aragón stop and take the line 93 bus towards Paseo Marítimo.
- From Nord Station: Metro line 9 in Xativa Station going to Alboraya. Stop at the Benimaclet Station and take the tram line 4 direction Dr. Lluch to the Beteró stop.

- To the Airport: 22km
- To city center: 5km
- To Malvarrosa Beach: 1.3km